MedWest Education Blog

Our MedWest Clinical Team are here to discuss the latest information relating to the use of the latest chronic use medication in Australia, including plant-based therapies, any industry changes and clinical anecdotal data that is relevant to optimal treatment and chronic patient care.

In our write-ups, we summarise the burning questions of conventional chronic medicine, including plant-based medicine, mostly in concise bite-sized form for the general public and healthcare professionals alike to understand the topics simply and effectively.

Our purpose is to help assist in the understanding of using these medications with conventional therapy for chronic conditions such as anxiety, mental health, chronic pain, women’s health and other chronic conditions including harm minimisation therapies.

Join us in our journey or learning, discovery and evidence-based medicine in shaping the medicine industry in it’s emerging form of the 21st century.

The Efficacy and Adverse Events of CBD and THC: CBD-based Treatments for Chronic Pain
Education & Training Keegan Wong Education & Training Keegan Wong

The Efficacy and Adverse Events of CBD and THC: CBD-based Treatments for Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a debilitating condition characterized by persistent or recurring pain lasting longer than three months. This condition often leads to disability, suffering, and disruptions in physical well-being. The complexity of chronic pain necessitates a multi-faceted treatment approach that combines both pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods. However, due to the opioid epidemic that has gripped the medical community, alternative therapies have gained significant attention.

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